15 Ucapan Hari Puisi Nasional Bahasa Inggris yang Keren, Cocok Dibagikan Ke Facebook, WA dan Instagram

28 April 2022, 04:30 WIB
15 Ucapan Hari Puisi Nasional Bahasa Inggris yang Keren, Cocok Dibagikan Ke Facebook, WA dan Instagram /twibbonize.com/ANAK PULAU (Edis Art)

UTARA TIMES Inilah 15 ucapan Hari Puisi Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris yang keren dan inspiratif, cocok dibagikan ke Facebook, WA/WhatsApp dan Instagram.

Di Hari Puisi Nasional yang diperingati setiap tanggal 28 April, bagikanlah ucapan Hari Puisi Nasional Bahasa Inggris yang keren berikut ini ke sosmed anda seperti Facebook, WA dan juga Instagram.

Saatnya menyapa kembali teman-teman anda dengan ucapan Hari Puisi Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris berikut ini melalui Facebook, WA dan Instagram.

Dikutip Utara Times dari berbaga sumber, berikut ini ulasan tentang 15 ucapan Hari Puisi Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris yang keren dan inspiratif, cocok dibagikan ke Facebook, WA/WhatsApp dan Instagram.

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Baca Juga: Jadwal Acara Indosiar Hari Ini, 28 April 2022, Ada AKSI Indonesia dan Suara Hati Istri Spesial Ramadhan

“Poetry is the revelation of a feeling that the poet believes to be interior and personal but which the reader recognizes as his own.” – Salvatore Quasimodo.

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“We are hopeless romantics, who still fall in love with words.” ― Avijeet Das.

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“Poetry heals the wounds inflicted by reason.” – Novalis.

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“The fate of poetry is to fall in love with the world in spite of History. – Derek Walcott.

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“Poetry is what is lost in translation. It is also what is lost in interpretation.” – Robert Frost.

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“Poetry is a deal of joy and pain and wonder, with a dash of the dictionary.” – Kahlil Gibran.

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“A poem begins as a lump in the throat, a sense of wrong, homesickness, a lovesickness.” – Robert Frost.

Baca Juga: Kumpulan Link Twibbon Hari Puisi Nasional 2022, Design Kekinian dan Bisa Dibagikan ke Semua Media Sosial

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“Poetry empowers the simplest of lives to confront the most extreme sorrows with courage, and motivates the mightiest of offices to humbly heed lessons in compassion.” ― Aberjhani.

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“Poetry looking in the mirror sees art, and art looking in a mirror sings poetry.” ― Aberjhani.

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“Poetry is thoughts that breathe, and words that burn.” – Thomas Gray.

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“Poetry is the liquid voice that can wear through stone.” – Adrienne Rich.

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“As a poet, I would say everything should be able to come into a poem but I can’t put toothbrushes in a poem. I really can’t.” – Sylvia Plath.

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Baca Juga: Rekomendasi 21 Twibbon Hardiknas 2022, Link Tinggal Klik, Cocok untuk Dijadikan Story WA, IG dan Facebook

“In the house of poetry, nothing endures that is not written with blood to be heard with blood.” – Pablo Neruda.

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“Poetry is the deification of reality.” – Edith Sitwell.

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“Prose = words in their best order; Poetry = the best words in the best order.” – Samuel Taylor Coleridge.

Demikian informasi tentang 15 ucapan Hari Puisi Nasional dalam Bahasa Inggris yang keren dan inspiratif, cocok dibagikan ke Facebook, WA/WhatsApp dan Instagram.***



Editor: Anas Bukhori


