Quotes Paskah Bahasa Inggris Terbaru, Cocok Dijadikan Caption Story WA dan Instagram

- 16 April 2022, 04:25 WIB
Quotes Paskah Bahasa Inggris Terbaru, Cocok Dijadikan Caption Story WA dan Instagram
Quotes Paskah Bahasa Inggris Terbaru, Cocok Dijadikan Caption Story WA dan Instagram /Pixabay/

Baca Juga: Selain Para Pencari Tuhan (PPT) Jilid 15, Ini Jadwal TV Hari Ini, 16 April 2022 di SCTV

Quotes Paskah 5
"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." – John 3:16

Quotes Paskah 6
“Easter is the demonstration of God that life is essentially spiritual and timeless.” – Charles M. Crowe

Quotes Paskah 7
“The story of Easter is the story of God’s wonderful window of divine surprise.” - Carl Knudsen

Quotes Paskah 8
“Easter is the only time when it’s perfectly safe to put all your eggs in one basket.”- Evan Esar

Baca Juga: Siapa Saja Pemain Sinetron Suparman Reborn? Simak Daftar Pemainnya yang Seru dan Kocak

Quotes Paskah 9
“The day the Lord created hope was probably the same day He created spring.” – Bernard Williams

Quotes Paskah 10
“On Easter Day the veil between time and eternity thins to gossamer.” - Douglas Horton

Demikian ulasan mengenai quotes Paskah dalam Bahasa Inggris terbaru yang cocok dijadikan caption story WA dan Instagram.***


Editor: Anas Bukhori


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