20 Ucapan Selamat Hari Minggu dalam Bahasa Inggris, Dijamin Paling Romantis

- 24 Juli 2022, 08:40 WIB
Ilustrasi menulis 20 Ucapan Selamat Hari Minggu Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Dijamin Paling Romantis
Ilustrasi menulis 20 Ucapan Selamat Hari Minggu Dalam Bahasa Inggris, Dijamin Paling Romantis /Unsplash/Kenny Eliason

UTARA TIMES – 20 Ucapan selamat hari Minggu untuk teman dan orang yang tersayang dalam Bahasa Inggris bisa dilihat disini.

Ucapan selamat hari Minggu bisa digunakan untuk mengirim pesan romantis atau lucu kepada teman dan orang yang tersayang.

Berikut adalah daftar 20 ide pesan romantis ucapan selamat hari Minggu terbaik yang bisa digunakan untuk merayakan hari yang cerah pagi ini.

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Hari terakhir dalam seminggu adalah waktu yang tepat untuk mengingat orang-orang tersayang dalam hidup, berdoa untuk mereka, dan mendoakan yang terbaik untuk mereka di minggu yang akan datang.

Jika merasa sulit untuk mengekspresikan emosi dan keinginan terdalam lewat kata-kata, berikut adalah 20 kutipan dan pesan romantis serta lucu ucapan selamat hari Minggu terbaik yang dapat dikirimkan kepada orang yang tersayang.

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  1. I cannot stop thinking about you the whole day. May the birds sing near your window and the sunshine brightly on you. Have a blessed Sunday.
  2. May the angels look after you, and your prayers receive answers soon on this fantastic Lord's Day.
  3. The new week is coming, and you will rock it, my sweetheart. If anything, I am always near and ready to have your back.
  4. Every Lord's Day I spend with you is a blessed day for me. You are the sense of my life, and I can’t imagine someone else who would so perfectly suit me.
  5. You must have been sent me by God, as you are the most amazing, caring, and loving person I know. May this Lord's Day be fulfilled with bring your pleasant experiences and beautiful gifts.
  6. I can overcome various challenges, but the hardest thing for me is to spend this blessed day without you. Can’t wait till when we meet, my angel.
  7. The first thing I thought today when I woke up was you. I am praying for you, baby, and know that you are doing the same for me. Good morning happy Sunday, baby.
  8. May this fantastic Sunday fill your new week with happiness and laughter. The new week is about to start, and it will be a great one.
  9. You are the brightest star on Earth. On this happy Sunday morning, I wish you to have the best day possible.
  10. Grasp the opportunity to spread love and joy each morning to the people you love. May your Sunday be filled with positive energy and pleasant memories, my dear.
  11. The last day of the week is the day that you should throw all your troubles away. May delight be the only feeling that stays in your home. Have a beautiful Sunday
  12. Whatever challenges you face at the moment with whatever result they bring, they teach us valuable lessons. Be patient and be strong; you will overcome the tough episodes, and be ready to meet the bright ones. And always remember to thank the Lord for everything you have in life on this day.
  13. You get to live your life only once, so don’t waste time on self-pity or desperation. You are capable of anything. You just have to pull yourself together and do what needs to be done today, happy Sunday.
  14. Admire each second of your life and all the days, just like today. No day can be lived twice, so appreciate what you have and take time to thank the people close to you for all their care. Enjoy this day.
  15. The last day of the week has everything for every person to make them happy. Open your eyes widely and see all the presents you get to have. Sunday greetings to you.
  16. You don’t know what destiny has prepared for you. Sometimes, the challenges may seem unbearable, but you can deal with nothing as a human and as a man. So take time this Lord's Day to pray. And may the strength come to you.
  17. The holy day should only be met with a bright smile. Throw away the extreme fear that keeps you behind, and open your heart for new opportunities!
  18. I wish you to spend this blessed day in the circle of the best friends: calmness, gratitude, and appreciation. Get yourself ready for the upcoming week and its surprises.
  19. Today is a bright blue sky with no clouds that promises a shiny and pleasant week. Begin each day with a wide smile, happy Sunday blessings.
  20. Today is the perfect day to choose a new path in life; all the great life changes happen exactly when they are supposed to and when you are ready to bear them. Enjoy your day, and be grateful.

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20 ucapan selamat hari Minggu dalam Bahasa inggris yang dikutip di artikel kali ini diambil dari laman lebit. Dijamin super romantis.***

Editor: Nur Umar


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