10 Ucapan Natal 2022 Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Dijadikan Status WA, Fb dan IG

24 Desember 2022, 09:27 WIB
10 Ucapan Natal 2022 Bahasa Inggris, Cocok Dijadikan Status WA, Fb dan IG /pixabay.com/MAKY_OREL/


UTARA TIMES - Cocok dijadikan status WA, IG dan fb simak 10 ucapan selamat Natal 2022.

Umat Kristiani sebentar lagi akan merayakan Natal 2022, sambut dengan ucapan selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris. 

Adapun ucapan selamat Bahasa Inggris ini dapat dijadikan status WA, IG dan fb saat Natal 2022.

Sebagaimana yang diketahui jika 25 Desember diperingati sebagai Natal 2022 setiap tahunnya, ada ucapan selamat Bahasa Inggris. 

Baca Juga: 11 Ucapan Selamat Natal 2022 Bahasa Inggris dan Bahasa Indonesia, Cocok Dijadikan Caption

Segera bagikan ucapan selamat dalam Bahasa Inggris sebagai bentuk perayaan di hari Natal 2022.

Inilah 10 ucapan selamat Natal 2022 yang cocok dijadikan status WA, IG dan fb pada 25 Desember. 

1. It's people like you that make Christmas a sacred, meaningful occasion. Merry Christmas!

2. On this Christmas Day, may you have everything you need to fill your home with peace and bliss. Wishing you a New Year full of promise and new opportunities!

3. Merry Christmas! I hope you receive one blessing after another this coming year.

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4. Wishing you love and light in this challenging season. Hope the magic of Christmas lights up your life with happiness!

5. May the Christmas season fill your home with joy, your heart with love, and your life with laughter. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and we look forward to seeing you in 2023.

6. I've been waiting all year to spend Christmas with you! Now that it's here, I can't think of any gift I'd want any more than this. Merry Christmas, my love!

7. Merry Christmas! This coming year, may you be gifted with countless blessings.

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8. Gifts come and go, what really matters are the people who light up our lives all year long. Thank you!

9. They say the best gift around the tree is the presence of a happy family all wrapped up in each other. Wishing you a very Merry Christmas surrounded by your precious family, and many blessings for this year.

10. May the miracle of Christmas bring you joy and happiness. I wish for contentment and peace among you and your family.

Itulah 10 ucapan selamat Natal 2022 dalam Bahasa Inggris, cocok dijadikan status WA, IG dan fb.***

Editor: Anas Bukhori


