Inilah Contoh Cerita Liburan Lebaran dalam Bahasa Inggris, Singkat dan Jelas

13 Mei 2022, 11:20 WIB
Contoh cerita liburan lebaran dalam Bahasa Inggris /Pexels/Miroshnichenko

UTARA TIMES - Berikut adalah informasi mengenai contoh uraian cerita liburan dalam bahasa Inggris.

Pada cerita liburan lebaran kali ini, temanya adalah berkunjung ke rumah tante atau dalam bahasa Inggris To Auntie's house.

Cerita liburan lebaran dalam bahasa Inggris ini bisa dijadikan contoh atau acuan dan dapat diubah sesuai kebutuhan.

Simak uraian selengkapnya mengenai contoh cerita liburan lebaran dalam bahasa Inggris berikut ini sebagaimana yang dirangkum Utara Times.

Baca Juga: Contoh Uraian Cerita liburan Hari Raya Idul Fitri Singkat, Cerita Piknik hingga Silaturahmi Keluarga

To Auntie's House

This year's Ied Fitr break is different from last year The reason is, my family and I went on vacation to the island of Java. Precisely to Bantul, Yogyakarta.

I was invited by my parents to visit my aunt and uncle's house in this city. I was very nervous because this was my first time on a plane to go outside the island.

When we arrived at Yogyakarta's AdiSucipto airport, we were already awaited by auntie's family. auntie smiled very sweetly and hugged me. Said I had grown and grown taller.

Next, my family and I took a car that auntie had rented to his house. Apparently, auntie's house is very far from the city center. I fell asleep on the way because I was tired.

It was about an hour on the way and we finally arrived at auntie's house, which turned out to be located near a stretch of rice fields. The rice fields are very green and wide.

This is the first time I feel a very beautiful rural atmosphere like this. It feels very comfortable and relaxing. The next day, auntie invited me to ride a bicycle to the beach near my house.

Baca Juga: Terbaru! Cerita Pengalaman Liburan Sekolah Idul Fitri Bahasa Inggris Singkat, Cocok untuk Jadi Acuan

it turns out, the location of auntie's house is very close to the beach which is quite famous in Yogyakarta. 

We also pedaled leisurely throughout the trip. But, it turned out to be a little tiring too because there are several incline roads that must be passed.

Although tired, everything paid off once we got to the beach. A stretch of gray beach sand and blue ocean greeted us. Not to mention there are many pine trees on the beach.

Very beautiful and leafy. I sat under the pine tree. Unfortunately, we couldn't walk so close to the beach because this beach in the south of Java island has very high waves.

We ate meatballs and drank coconut water on the beach. I also played some of the games provided on the beach. Very pleasant. I vacationed in Yogyakarta for one week.

It's an unforgettable experience. On the last day, my family and I were then escorted back to the airport by auntie. I also say thank you to auntie.

Demikianlah informasi mengenai contoh cerita liburan lebaran dalam bahasa Inggris yang dapat dijadikan acuan.***

Editor: Abdul Hamid


